New to 4-H
Welcome New 4-H Families!

4-H Handbooks
We welcome all new families and new 4-H members to our program. 4-H can often be confusing your first year. Download and read our 4-H Handbook for members and families, and attend a Welcome to 4-H Workshop in October to help become oriented to the program and have your questions answered.
How many 4-H clovers are in the handbook? Download the pdf, read the handbook, and count them!
Click here to download the 4-H Handbook pdf, for easy viewing on a screen: Inyo-Mono 4-H Handbook (Screen)
Click here to download the 4-H Handbook to print to paper. Select landscape orientation, and print to both sides, flipping on short side of the paper: Inyo-Mono 4-H Handbook (Printing)
4-H Handbook for Mini-Members
4-H programming is broken up into various age categories: Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. 4-H has specific guidelines and policies for primary members, ages 5 - 8, to make their experience a positive and age appropriate experience. Click on the link below to download and read the 4-H Primary Member Handbook!
Annual Events
We host a regular set of events for 4-Hers every year, including an annual awards presentation/ice cream social.
Read below to learn about some other events.
Fun Day
Fun Day is held each December as a county wide event to gather youth together. Some clubs count this event as their club meeting, so be sure to sign in at the event. Each club hosts a different activity for 4-H members to participate in. There is also a Cookie Contest and Place Setting Contest. Awards and Prizes will be announced at the end of the event.

Presentation Day
Presentation Day is an activity where youth get to practice their public speaking and judging skills. Members are able to give presentations in many different categories. Traditionally members usually gave a presentation related to one of their projects, but there are many other avenues to develop public speaking skills in 4-H.
"What's Judging?" you ask. This is a skill that helps youth make good choices. It is system of placing 4 things in order of best to worst. Here is a really brief slide set on what it's about. Intro to 4-H Judging (PDF) We practice this skill at presentation day and Livestock Field Day (below).
Livestock Field Day
Livestock Field Day is held in spring each year. This is a mandatory event for those members, ages 9-19, who are planning to show an animal at the Junior Livestock Show. This event is designed to help you learn how to judge different livestock species.
4-H Record Books
Record books document a 4-H member's hard work in the program and teach valuable skills about planning and keeping records.
Click here for more information.
4-H Newsletter
We send families newsletters via the USPS throughout the year. Please be sure to read every edition. We include updates and registration for events in our newsletters.
Like us on Facebook!
See updates, pictures, and current happenings of the 4-H Program. Like us on Facebook and join our community. This is a good way for families to keep up on current 4-H events.
clover answer: 33