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4-H Record Book Forms

Inyo-Mono 4-H Record Book Forms

The California 4-H Youth Development Program has a long history of record-keeping as an activity for 4-H members. In early 4-H clubs, record books focused on project profit and loss in agricultural and home economics projects. As 4-H moved from a primarily agricultural focus to encompassing suburban and urban clubs, the record book process evolved as well.

As you complete your record book for this 4-H year, take a moment and imagine a 4-H member almost 100 years ago also sitting down at a table and completing their Record Book. You are part of a historic tradition!

Beginning this year, 4-H now has two kinds of record books: the new Achievement Program and the retiring Star Rank Program. Your 4-H club leader will advise you on which type you should use.

If you are interested in learning more about the new record books, please see this page.

Record Book Forms and Instructions


The latest version of the California 4-H Record Book Manual for Youth members is located here: Record Book Manual . This document covers the Star Rank Program. Members using the new record books can download the manual here: 2023-24 New Acheivements Record Book Manual

If you need assistance figuring out where our local events go in your record books PDR, please see this file:  Where Does it go on my PDR 2023-2024


Record book forms for the most current year are available at this link: https://sites.google.com/ucdavis.edu/ca4h-resourcecenter/4-h-basics/record-books?authuser=0 

Both types of record book forms are available. Members should use the most current year's forms.

At this time, most members will still be on the Star Rank Program for record books. If you are not sure which to use, please contact your leader.

Record book covers are available at the office.

Need Help?

Still need help with your Record Book?

Your leader is your best, first contact for record book questions. You can also contact the 4-H office.

Another option is to to our county YouTube Channel. Callie Peek created a series of short workshop videos to help guide you through the Star Rank process. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1K1H27hI0VFnUuRTOhjptg 

Our goal is to provide trainings in the new record books in the next program year.

Mini-Member Record Book

Primary Member ("mini-members") Record Books do not get judged; however, mini-members are invited to fill out this form and save it in their Record Book binder to keep a complete record of their time in 4-H.

When a 4-H member turns nine or is in the fourth grade, they become a Junior 4-H member and will then be able to complete a 4-H Record Book and have their work judged at the club and county level.

Click on the link below to download and print the Mini-Member Record Book that we are using at this time.

Basic Primary Report (Mini-Members)